
Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Palmistry : Finger prints

Finger prints have been found to have such a remarkable linkage with health disorders and child behaviour that Johnson & Opitz in 1973 concluded that dermatoglyphic inspection “should be a routine part of the paediatric examination”. It is very helpful for diagnosing problems with infants because they can not tell their problems.

Although EAST recognised significance of thumb prints more than two thousand years ago*, WEST ‘discovered’ fingerprints in 1893 courtesy Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. However, in EAST we knew it then & we still know it.

No further development or research.
No curiosity.
No questions.

Acceptance without questioning closes all doors to development of knowledge and wisdom.

Courtesy discoveries by the WEST, today there exist more than Seven thousand articles published in medical journals alone, apart from other researches which have established an un-deniable link between dermatoglyphics / palmar lines and health/psychological disorders.

*Chinese contract documents over Two thousand years old have established that thumbprints were used as signatures and unique identification.
pictures courtesy (


  1. I agree. changes in the lines in the palm and palm prints can reveal a lot about health conditions. I studied palmistry for a few years and found them to be helpful.

  2. तीन तिलंगे या three musketeers :)
    दुनिया गोल है । सारी टेकनलाजी के बाद घूम फिरकर अंगूठे का निशान ही सही पहचान

  3. I have seen it myself. People having a complicated life have line cris crossing on their palm. Finger prints certainly have a unique characteristic depicting personality. More study needs to be conducted.

  4. @Rajeev Bharol
    Thanks for visiting the blog. You must have noted striking scientific evidence behind correlation of palmar signia with the psychology and health of the individual. It's not only fascinating, but also a wonderful tool in helping problems of those who can not, due to some reason - communicate properly.
    I wanted to reply you on email, but your profile does not show your email address. I could not see your blog either, because in my browser your blog link is getting hidden behind the "On Blogger Since" flap.

    @डॉ महेश सिन्हा
    और क्या गुरू लोग ऐसे ही अच्छे-भले को एकलव्य बनाने पर तुले रहते हैं? वैसे आँखों में भी बड़ी ख़ासियतें हैं…

    @ प्रवीण पाण्डेय
    Some serious study is already on in various parts of the world. Notable discoveries have been made by various scholars and two scholars - one from Denmark and another one from Israel have been publishing their research works incessantly for over 18 years now.
    Medical journals across the globe have been publishing such works establishing linkages between the nails (and their condition), finger prints and dermatoglyphics with the inherited or congenital diseases, its onset and other freak defects including autism and neuroticism.

  5. .
    Nice and informative post .



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