
Saturday 3 September 2011


Whenever any change in society or social/political system occurs many old systems are scrapped and new order is created. With new rules and systems new opportunities are created.
Most cunning and most shrewd are most corrupt often on one hand, and on the other hand most shrewd tend to grab the new opportunities at the earliest. It is they who first switch the sides and therefore are able to stake their first claims on the new opportunities emerging under the new order and new systems. The plea is often the LOYALTY factor - that "I/we joined you when nobody was prepared to join you......."
ANNA movement is no exception. It could never be... :-)
The world is always ruled by the shrewd, the cunning, the intelligent with necessary and sufficient pinch of corruption. It shall always be...
Those lacking such qualities never feel like ruling others... :-))

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Sometimes one feels very tired, despite neither being hungry - nor having done some arduous schedule. Sometimes one feels very energetic, after having completed a very hectic schedule, maybe more than 10 hours work over and above daily exercise schedule.
Sometimes you feel low, despite everything being in place, no worry, nothing to fear...while sometimes you feel happy and carefree, very bold and ready to take on... despite all the situations turning against you - step by step, turn by turn...
Sometimes one keeps quiet despite knowing all the answers, and sometimes the same one keeps on speaking rapidfire - be it questions only... Why?
And why after all, someone has to ask WHY?
Do other animals also have such inquisitive or curious nature?

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Palmistry : Finger prints

Finger prints have been found to have such a remarkable linkage with health disorders and child behaviour that Johnson & Opitz in 1973 concluded that dermatoglyphic inspection “should be a routine part of the paediatric examination”. It is very helpful for diagnosing problems with infants because they can not tell their problems.

Although EAST recognised significance of thumb prints more than two thousand years ago*, WEST ‘discovered’ fingerprints in 1893 courtesy Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. However, in EAST we knew it then & we still know it.

No further development or research.
No curiosity.
No questions.

Acceptance without questioning closes all doors to development of knowledge and wisdom.

Courtesy discoveries by the WEST, today there exist more than Seven thousand articles published in medical journals alone, apart from other researches which have established an un-deniable link between dermatoglyphics / palmar lines and health/psychological disorders.

*Chinese contract documents over Two thousand years old have established that thumbprints were used as signatures and unique identification.
pictures courtesy (


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