
Saturday, 24 July 2010

Science and Nature : Ramblings

Life – art or science?

Science has precisely defined rules which should be proven logically when tested on objects under consideration.

Humans are the most complex living creatures on earth due to various reasons including their capability to think, communicate and emote.

Humans, due to these reasons and further due to the ‘Psychology’, can not be precisely framed in rules.

Most of the things in science are digital or quantum.

Most of the things in case of human life are analogue, logic is fuzzy and events continuous.

That is one of the reasons, and that too an important one, why life can be only approximated by science.

Science is always an approximation for that matter, howsoever close one it may seem.

Approximations are never and can never be as good as objects or events.

They can only be so close that the difference between the reality and approximation becomes imperceptible to the observer due to limit of his observing and discerning capabilities.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Art of Life : Success or Otherwise

To begin with,
I think (I am…) therefore I am...

Fill in the blanks and every corollary follows.

e.g. : achiever, good-for-nothing, smart, lovable, ignored, most liked etc. as you wish, so you choose and use.

Brain is the cause-generating control centre.

Control the cause itself for desired effect.
These are only clues. Explanations can be sought.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Popularity : Being alike (2)

...(continued from previous post)

Popularity :
Hindu mythology only extrapolates this basic law of nature in a most convincing manner by postulating that all forms of life are ‘versions’ of ‘superior self’ or ‘Brahman’. Let’s not digress much; because we are not discussing religion or faith here, we are trying to examine rather mundane matters.

For a politician the trick lies in posing being “one from the masses” and thus connecting with the commons, as the “commons” are most powerful in any democracy.

In other circles also, this trick works except in the world of glamour and cinema, where the trick lies in posing the character as being ‘one of them’ but achieving (in films) what ‘they dreamt but could not’. In the personal life also, the glamour lies in being un-like you but being what you aspire to be.

The clientele of any product depends in this Ad-mad-world on the propaganda of being for the ‘mass’ or for the ‘class’. Profits from the ‘Class’ may overshadow those from the ‘Mass’ but the issue under examination is popularity and not profit.

So popularity comes with the population in numbers with which you can connect or make them believe you are ‘one of them’. This is one of the basic factors which underline the popularity of BLOGs on the net also. The language must be common parlance, as scantily loaded with the heavy words and phrases as possible, the issues should be of common concern, it should serve common interests and it should touch commons at as many levels as possible. That makes you acceptable and hence like-able.

But, being alike is not always being comfortable with, or being likeable. Sometimes you fit the slot if you complement the other person rather than being exactly like them.

On a lighter note, believe me, bribes wouldn’t be accepted even if you are eager to pay unless you are found to be comfortable with. The rapists wouldn’t dare attempt if you make ‘em un-comfortable by being equally eager for the "BIG event of RAPE". The boss would get suspicious about your motives if you do not crib the work overload but are eager to grab as much works as you can lay hands on! The servants would desist asking for leave frequently if they found you are only too glad to send them home.

Even if I found you are eagerly waiting for my next blog post, I may doubt whether or not to keep posting!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Popularity : Being alike

A certain lack of refinement is necessary in all expression to easily connect with the masses. I realized this long ago.

It holds good for the blog posts too. Simple words, small sentences, common parlance and light stuff which relax the mind are most popular. Hence the popularity of visuals, even cartoons is much more than pure text.

This stuff is precisely not that! But you will enjoy once you sail through.

Tricks of popularity have their roots much deeper in nature than in mere psychological aspects.

When I was in college some classmates would not mingle freely with me. I saw no obvious reason for their hesitation. I soon found they were hesitant and shied away as they considered I belonged to the posh upper class from my polished manners and language. As soon as I adopted their manners and lifestyle they could easily connect with me and my popularity increased.

This connection of being “one of us” is most powerful bond and therefore important for anybody and everybody opting for a life or career dependent on public opinion. Be it a performing artist like Singer, actor, dancer or a politician.

Wherever VOTE counts, we tend to favour our own “likes”. We tend to like people who are ‘like’ us. The intensity of liking depends on degree of like-ness. We feel more comfortable with people like us, surroundings like our native place, food and language we are used to, garments we have seen or worn most.

A community is formed by population ‘ALIKE’ based on place of living, place of birth, education, profession, caste, colour of skin, tastes, socio-economic-political factors, language…so many factors-innumerable; no fixed criterion can be ascertained for defining a community. What is certain is that the strength of this bond among people in a community increases with the number of factors of being ‘alike’. Higher the number of ‘likeness’ factors, longer the bond takes to break. Interestingly, the converse is not true; the bond does not build up faster if there are more common factors.

The inherent quality of being associative holds good for any community, any living organism including humans. Everybody, every organism feels more comfortable, more secure and more stable emotionally and physically in the company of ‘a-likes’.

It’s in nature, in genes, in the very basis of our survival and reproduction. Everyone considers ‘self’ as the best, and those like us are only ‘versions’ of ‘self’ and hence ‘GOOD’. Those at variance from ‘self’ are ‘not GOOD’ and greater the difference from ‘self’, the more is their ‘non-GOOD-ness’ or maybe ‘BAD-ness’. The more threatened any living organism ‘feels’, the lesser comfortable it becomes and thus depending on the degree of this perceived threat the lesser tolerant or more aggressive it becomes in its approach towards ‘non-GOOD’ ones and thus the ‘non-GOOD-ness’ takes the form of ‘BAD-ness’.

It’s not narrated in so many words but it is rooted deeper in our genes than even the subconscious, and hence not easily approachable by even the psychologists. It is rather in the purview of Genetics.


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